What ever happened to the Libyans in Back to the Future?
A subplot in the time-traveling classic Back to the Future concerns Doc Brown getting ambushed by Libyan terrorists, but what happened to them later? Back to the Future is one of the most beloved films of all time, and is generally considered pretty inoffensive. One aspect that's certainly questionable when looked at through today's societal lens is the inclusion of the Libyans, who look and act in a very stereotypical fashion, and arguably promote an insensitive viewpoint. At the same time though, many things were seen as appropriate in 1985 that aren't now.
Either way, it doesn't appear to have been written or portrayed the way it was out of malice, and is probably best left not over-analyzed. However, there remains another question to ask about the Libyans. After Doc thwarts what would've been his death at their hands thanks to a note Marty left him in the past and a helpful bulletproof vest, Marty sees the terrorists' van crash into a photo stand, and that's the last they're shown onscreen.